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DNeX wins contract to supply automatic tank gauging for Petronas stations nationwide

Kuala Lumpur, 17 July 2019 – Dagang NeXchange Berhad (“DNeX”), through wholly-owned subsidiary OGPC Sdn Bhd, has won a contract from PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad for the supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance automatic tank gauging (“ATG”) for PETRONAS stations.

Under the contract, OGPC will be undertaking the supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of ATG and its accessories for some 200 PETRONAS stations nationwide.

The contract, valued at about RM11.8 million, is for a period of two years with an option to extend for another two years.

Works on the project also include the supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of the Wetstock Management System (“WMS”) connected to ATG and its accessories, as well as relevant hardware, software on cloud-based platform and cybersecurity systems.

The ATG and its accompanying hardware and software system provides automatic measurement of fuel storage tanks thus enabling more accurate and improved, real time reading.

“The project augurs well with efforts to boost book order, and further expand on business growth of OGPC including contracting work in downstream sector,” said Datuk Samsul Husin, Executive Deputy Chairman of DNeX.

He said OGPC, which is a supplier, service provider and contractor for oil and gas, petrochemical, power, palm oil and general industries, has contributed a new stream of revenue for DNeX since the Group acquired the company in 2016.

“We are continuously growing this business namely to get more jobs, which OGPC has beendelivering this year,” he said.

In addition, OGPC, which is currently a distributor of technical and engineering products from reputable global manufacturers, is also working to expand its global principals to better serve customers, he added.

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There was a hint of winter, though the springtime was not wholly effaced.

He 300-206 practice questions said authoritatively The French Revolution is a heap 300-206 practice questions of blackguards.

So much the worse for my nephew EX300 practice exam pdf he is wedding a beggar, let him be a beggar himself But Cosette s half million pleased the aunt, and altered her inward situation so far as this pair of lovers were concerned.

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CHAPTER V. A SECRET CAPTAIN. The king looked long after her in silence at first with an expression of deep pity, but this soon gave place to a 300-206 practice questions gay, mocking smile.

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Jean OG0-093 practice exam questions Valjean, in bewilderment, strained her wildly to his breast. It almost seemed to him as though he were taking her back.

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Hierof it is that I wolde axe, If thou, mi Sone, art on of tho. Ha, goode fader, it is so, Outake a point, I am beknowe For elles I am overthrowe 3460 In al that evere ye EX300 practice exam pdf have seid.

It had been expressly agreed that Pontmercy should never attempt to see his son nor to speak to him, under penalty of having OG0-093 practice exam questions the latter handed over to him OG0-093 practice exam questions disowned and disinherited.

He was on the battle field of Waterloo. 300-206 practice questions BOOK FIRST. WATERLOO CHAPTER II HOUGOMONT EX300 practice exam pdf Hougomont, this was OG0-093 practice exam questions a funereal spot, the beginning of the obstacle, the first resistance, which that OG0-093 practice exam questions great wood cutter of Europe, 300-206 practice questions called Napoleon, encountered at Waterloo, the first knot under the blows of his axe.

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Now, all the EX300 practice exam pdf prejudices of the Restoration, all its interests, EX300 practice exam pdf all its instincts tended to disfigure Napoleon.

When England made herself EX300 practice exam pdf supreme ruler of the Ohio, France, by OG0-093 practice exam questions the conquest of the Isle of Minorca, obtained dominion over the Mediterranean Sea, thereby wounding England so deeply, that in her despair she turned her weapons against herself.

He felt greatly agitated and oppressed, and scarcely knew the cause himself.

She resumed her contemplation of the book. It was written in the most 300-206 practice questions charming of chirography, thought Cosette in the same hand, but with divers 300-206 practice questions inks, sometimes very black, again whitish, as OG0-093 practice exam questions when ink has been added to the inkstand, and consequently on different days.

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I thank Mr. Zoller for saving my life. As true as God lives, I should have stifled with rage if I had not told that haughty Hollander who Mr.

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The rain still rendered the street completely deserted. Little Gavroche entered the enclosure and gazed at the forms of these ruffians with a tranquil air.

The streets OG0-093 practice exam questions are deserted and the birds are singing. Cosette, a bird herself, liked to rise early.

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He gently removed Cosette s arms, and took his hat. Well said Cosette. I leave you, Madame, they are waiting for you. And, EX300 practice exam pdf from the threshold, he added I have said thou to you.

Will you not EX300 practice exam pdf fasten these pure flowers on your bosom, and allow them to die a happy death EX300 practice exam pdf there Alas you are hard and cruel with me, princess it seems to me EX300 practice exam pdf that your 300-206 practice questions husband dare claim from you more of kindliness and friendship.

In his eyes, of course, the ecclesiastical authority was the chief of all he was religious, superficial and correct on this point as on all others.

All possible follies. EX300 practice exam pdf A year ago, they ran to Hernani. Now, EX300 practice exam pdf OG0-093 practice exam questions I just ask you, Hernani antitheses abominations which are not even written EX300 practice exam pdf in French And then, they EX300 practice exam pdf have cannons in the courtyard of the Louvre.

Jean Valjean recognized Javert. The reader has divined, no doubt, that Thenardier s pursuer was no other than Javert.

Thus he avoided the quadruple trap which was set for him in the darkness EX300 practice exam pdf by the four labyrinths which we 300-206 practice questions have just enumerated.

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The OG0-093 practice exam questions despatch box, an immense oblong coffer, EX300 practice exam pdf was placed OG0-093 practice exam questions OG0-093 practice exam questions behind the vehicle and formed a part of it.

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