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Home Media and Investor Relations Policy

Media and Investor Relations Policy


In pursuing its vision to be a multinational corporation that is trusted for its world-class services and expertise, Dagang NeXchange Berhad (“DNeX”) has to ensure that its image and perception supports this vision. As a listed company on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia, the Group also has a responsibility to have an open, consistent and effective communications with shareholders and investors as it strives to raise the Group’s corporate awareness amongst prospective investors and maximise value to shareholders.                         

This policy exists to assure that information disclosed by DNeX is accurate, comprehensive, timely and relevant. Adherence to this policy is intended to provide an effective and efficient framework to facilitate effective dissemination of information.


This Media and Investor Relations Policy applies to all employees of DNeX, Subsidiaries and Divisions as well as members of its Board of Directors. This document covers all dissemination of information on the Group to the media and the investing community through such channels as broadcast, electronic and print.


DNeX engages the media and investing community through an active Media and Investors Relations Programme that covers a wide range of activities and touch points. The target audience of the programme are the investing community comprising shareholders and investors, analysts, fund managers and investment bankers, and the media comprising financial press and other media desks.

The media and investor community, meanwhile, serves as an important conduit to other stakeholders of the Group including customers, business partners, Government and regulators, and the public.

The programme comprises such activities as one-to-one and group meetings with management, analyst briefings, investor conferences, annual general meetings, media conferences, media interviews and media releases. In addition, relevant information including annual reports, financial reports, announcement and media releases are also made available on the Group’s Web site to support the Media and Investor Relations programme.

The Media and Investor Relations Department is also responsible to :

  • Develop, review and disseminate information to target audience as well as ensure key messages are consistent and aligned with the company’s objectives.
  • Provide advice, guidance and intervention to the Group on information to be communicated, and appropriate channels to ensure effective communications of intended key messages.


Media and Investor Relations Department is DNeX’s principal contact in engaging with the media and investing community. In engaging with target audience, the department will work with Official Spokespersons to prepare them for engagement with media and analysts. Preparation may include developing key message and media training and practicing for interview.

Official Spokespersons comprises Board of Directors, Executive Leaders or any personnel in the Group as designated by Media and Investor Relations based on their knowledge, experience and expertise, as well as areas of responsibilities.


The disclosure of material company information shall be made in accordance to Bursa Malaysia requirements, to ensure timely, transparent and consistent dissemination of information. Any commentary or disclosures may include statements on current business activities, strategies, market and industry developments, management beliefs and forecasts, which may be considered as forward-looking statements on the future of the Group’s performance.

These statements are based on the management’s reasonable assumptions in light of current and ongoing performance and operating conditions. However, such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks, uncertainties, and factors that can cause the actual results to be materially different from the statements made. Therefore, no assurances are given that such expectations will prove to have been correct, and the Group is under no obligation to update or revise any statements made.


Employees are to refer all queries from the media and investing community to the Media & Investor Relations Department immediately.

Employees with positive news story to share with the media or investing community should contact Media and Investor Relations, the only department authorised to pitch coverage for such news.

News coverage tied to Advertising & Promotional and Marketing initiatives should also seek clearance from Media & Investor Relations Department. External parties designated as Brand Ambassadors / Influencers should also undergo media briefing with the department.