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Despite the challenging climate in which we operate within, one thing remains the same – our commitment to maintaining the highest degree of integrity and ethical behaviour.
Corporate governance affects the way we direct our company and the relationship we have with interested parties. We believe that the highest standards of corporate governance are essential to our business integrity and performance.
DNeX’s governance framework guides our Board members and management’s oversight of the company and is outlined in its governing documents.
The principles within the governance framework provides details on the Board’s operations and key governance policies. The DNeX Board has several standing committees, each of which has specified responsibilities that are set forth in its committee charter.
We are guided by the Code of Conduct that sets forth our ethics and compliance standards which are applicable to all employees and directors.
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Dagang NeXchange Berhad (“Company”) is responsible for overseeing the Company’s management and business affairs and makes all major policy decisions of the Company.
Provides assistance to the Board in discharging its oversight responsibilities and fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities by reviewing the integrity and adequacy of the Company’s and Group’s accounting policies and internal controls, financial reporting practices and policies, risk management and management information systems, including systems for compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, directives and guidelines.
In adherence to the call by the Government for self governance, the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance first issued in March 2000 and subsequently revised in 2007 (“Revised Code”) set out principles and best practices for good governance aimed at increasing the efficiency and accountability of Boards to ensure that the decision making process is not only independent but is seen as independent.
Provides assistance to the Board of Directors (“Board”) in discharging its oversight responsibilities and fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities in formulating, overseeing as well as inculcating a sound enterprise risk management framework and systems, including systems for compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, directives and guidelines in order to manage the overall risk exposure of Dagang NeXchange Berhad (“DNeX”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, “DNeX Group” or the “Group”).
The Board of Directors (“Board) of Dagang NeXchange Berhad (“DNeX” or the “Company”) is mindful that fair remuneration is critical to attract, retain and motivate the right talent in the Board and senior management of DNeX and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”). To this end, this remuneration policy (“Policy”) is set out to provide guidelines with regards to remuneration package for the Board and senior management of the Group in line with the best practice of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”) issued by the Securities Commission Malaysia.
The Board of Directors of Dagang NeXchange Berhad (the “Company”) has adopted this Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy (the “Policy”) which is intended for the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”).
This Code is to provide the fundamental guiding principles and standards applicable to the Board of DNeX and its subsidiaries (“DNeX Group” or the “Group”). As Directors of the Group, they are expected to adhere to, comply with and uphold the provisions of the Code.
DNeX recently introduced its Groupwide Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Framework which aims to strengthen its commitment to good governance and and integrity within its business environment.
This page serves as a guideline for the Dagang NeXchange Berhad (“DNeX”) Group’s stakeholders to report a Whistleblowing complaint to the management of DNeX for action.
In pursuing its vision to be a multinational corporation that is trusted for its world-class services and expertise, Dagang NeXchange Berhad (“DNeX”) has to ensure that its image and perception supports this vision.
All employees shall observe and adhere to the highest standard of professional conduct. They should, in all respects and at all times, conduct themselves with integrity, propriety and decorum and must not under any circumstances, commit any act or omission that would bring damage to the Company, its property, reputation or general interests.
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